
This website is dedicated to the book Animal Farm by George Orwell and is in the genre of science fiction.
    This website is owned and edited by the following people: Nick, Liam, Devin, and Kenny.                        

Brief Summary By Nick: Animal Farm is about animals who teach themselves control. Napoleon and Snowball started to rule as partners to control their established government. Soon it gets out of control. Their quiet, happy government turns into a dictatorship. When napoleon kicks snowball out of the farm, every animalgoes crazy. They all think Napoleon is crazy for kicking Snowball out. AnimalFarm is a very communistic government when Napoleon takes over. To know more,read the book.

Brief Summary by Devin: Animal Farm is about animals on a farm realizing  they have no freedom, are over worked, and are given too little food. They want a better life, but how do they get it? Do they even get a better life? Read to find out, I'm not telling you!

Picture on Left from https://www.pagepulp.com/wp-content/222.jpg 

Animal Farm Summary

                Agriculture is more about the animal culture than you may think. Though if you think agriculture is about humans raising animals or crops, you are wrong. It’s about animals raising crops… and destroying the Human republic! After a while the animal republic reasons and gets together to do big business with the humans. Animal farm is not what the name describes. Animal farm is a farm for raising dirty deeds.

                The animals’ revolution then starts. One day the animals decide to attack Jones and his men, they try to fight back but the animals defeat them so the farmers flee the farm. The animals then start running the farm just as the farmers would, but they run the farm much better than the farmers did. They get all the crops grown very well and the pigs even learn how to read. They created the seven commandments.

                They had a very successful government. They had meetings every Sunday and voted for what would happen on the farm. The leaders of Animal Farm are two pigs, Napoleon and Snowball. They rule the farm in peace. But then goes corrupt and chases Snowball off the farm and Dictatorship/ Oligarchy starts. The pigs are rule and get many more rights and food than the other animals. They get to break the rules of the seven commandments. The pigs then start to cooperate with the humans and start to share ideas with them. The pigs now believe that two legs are better than four legs. So the pigs start walking on two legs.

                The pigs are now trading well with the humans and are letting the humans into the farm. The leaders are being hypocrites and treating the other animals terribly. The humans now regularly come in to the farm and are friends with the pig leader Napoleon. The humans drink alcohol and play card games with Napoleon. This is directly against the seven commandments. Bad Mr. Pig Napoleon.

Written by, Devin, Liam, and Nick.

Edited by Devin and Nick