Book Literature

New Ending

posted Mar 5, 2013, 10:18 AM by Nick Preston   [ updated Mar 6, 2013, 10:20 AM]

Plot Line

posted Mar 1, 2013, 10:18 AM by Nick Preston   [ updated Mar 5, 2013, 9:14 AM by Unknown user]



posted Mar 1, 2013, 10:18 AM by Nick Preston   [ updated Mar 18, 2013, 9:04 AM by Kenny Thompson]

Advocating: "When the animals had assembled in the big barn, Snowball stood up and, though occasionally interrupted by bleating from the sheep, set forth his reasons for advocating the building of the windmill."
My Definition: Planning or plans
Real Definition: to speak or write in favor of.

Expulsion: " In spite of the shock of Snowball's expulsion had given them, the animals were dismayed by this announcement.
My Definition: To get kicked out of. Forced out.
Real Definition: The act of being driven out, the act of being expelled.

My Definition:
Real Definition:

Tyrannical: If they were hungry, it was not from feeding tyrannical human beings; if they worked hard, at least they worked for themselves.
My Definition: Harsh or cruel.
Real Definition: Exercising power in a cruel way.

Trifle: Some did it better than others, one or two were even a trifle unsteady and looked like they would have liked the support of a stick, but every one of them made his way right round the yard successfully. 
My Definition: Something of little value.
Real Definition: Something of little value, substance, or importance.

Diligently: They worked diligently, hardly raising their faces from the ground, and not knowing whether to be more frightened of the pigs or of the human visitors.  
My Definition: To persevere.
Real Definition: A steady, earnest, and energetic effort.  

Incubent: But before doing so, there were a few words he felt incubent upon him to say.
My Definition: Currently in office.
Real Definition: The holder of an office.


posted Mar 1, 2013, 10:16 AM by Nick Preston   [ updated Mar 13, 2013, 8:21 AM by Liam Howard]

Corrupt animal farm.
Napoleon is causing the animals much harm.
Four legs good two legs better.
Most of the animals can not write an alphabet letter.
The animals attacked the humans in an animal swarm.
By, Liam (It is a Limerick)

There is an essence in the barn
A feeling of weakness within
The wife knits the yarn
The sheep, not cared for
Animal Farm
By, Nick (It's a Limerick)

The animals hate the nasty humans and their ways, 
Oh how they hate them, 
And when the horses are overworked they say "Nay!",
They are planning something great, 
And the sheep say, "Oh, yay!"
By, Kenny (It's a Sonnet)

Odd Animal Farm.
Run by pigs as Dictator.
How could this be so?
By, Devin (It's a Haiku)

Text to...

posted Feb 28, 2013, 10:15 AM by Nick Preston   [ updated Mar 14, 2013, 10:05 AM by Liam Howard]

Text to Text Situations
1. In this book Napoleon relates to Lord Voldemort from Harry Potter. They both want world domination and have followers.
2. In this book Squealer relates to Squire in The SpongeBob SquarePants movie because he just stands around and helps.
3. In this book Clover relates to My Little Pony because Clover likes friendship and my little pony stands for friendship.
4. In this book Snowball relates to Harry Potter because he wants to defeat Lord Voldemort.
5. In this book Jones relates to Rabbit in Winne the Pooh because Rabbit is cranky.
Text to Self Situations
1. When someone takes over, you feel as though someone ripped a badge off your chest. In other words your dignity is gone.
2. It is very sad when someone close to you dies.   
3. If you want to have a democracy or want to be free you won't be able to in animal farm.
4. Sometimes there will be a bad man running the government. You should believe in someone like snowball.
5. Nobody likes napoleon.
Text to World Situations
1. The animals have a national anthem and a flag, just as the humans in the real world do.
2. As a certain individual like Napoleon at Animal Farm gets power, the individual abuses his power and the civilization becomes a dictatorship.  
3. The animals have wars like humans.
4. The animals have laws like humans.
5. The animals have punishments for not following the rules just as humans do.