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posted Mar 1, 2013, 10:16 AM by Nick Preston   [ updated Mar 13, 2013, 8:21 AM by Liam Howard]
Corrupt animal farm.
Napoleon is causing the animals much harm.
Four legs good two legs better.
Most of the animals can not write an alphabet letter.
The animals attacked the humans in an animal swarm.
By, Liam (It is a Limerick)

There is an essence in the barn
A feeling of weakness within
The wife knits the yarn
The sheep, not cared for
Animal Farm
By, Nick (It's a Limerick)

The animals hate the nasty humans and their ways, 
Oh how they hate them, 
And when the horses are overworked they say "Nay!",
They are planning something great, 
And the sheep say, "Oh, yay!"
By, Kenny (It's a Sonnet)

Odd Animal Farm.
Run by pigs as Dictator.
How could this be so?
By, Devin (It's a Haiku)